Exploring Mystery at the Heart of Creation with Colette Kane OP
Monday, 23 Sep 2024 – Friday, 27 Sep 2024
9:30am – 6:00pm
An Tairseach Organic Farm & Ecology Centre presents Exploring Mystery at the Heart of Creation with Sr Colette Kane OP (5 days).
WHEN: Monday 23rd September – Friday 27th September 2024 (4 full days, starts Monday at 11am, depart Friday at 12pm, full board)
PRICE: Residential: €550 consists of course content, full board and food which will be prepared by a chef, using organic produce from the An Tairseach farm and gardens.
Non-residential: €260 includes course content, morning tea/coffee/snack and midday meal.
“It is all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we are in-between stories. The Old Story – the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it – sustained us for a long time. It shaped our emotional attitudes, provided us with life purpose, energized action, consecrated suffering, integrated knowledge and guided education. We awoke in the morning and knew where we were. We could answer the questions of our children. But now it is no longer functioning properly, and we have not yet learned the New Story”. Thomas Berry
This course will focus on the New Story (Journey of the Universe) as revealed by contemporary science. What implications does this have for Christian faith? There will be two sessions each day, with opportunities for reflection on the content of the sessions. We will also discuss the questions and challenges that emerge from the material.
Colette Kane OP is a Cabra Dominican Sister and the Programme Director of An Tairseach, the Organic Farm and Ecology Centre in Wicklow. For the past nine years, Colette has overseen the bi-annual Sabbatical programme which An Tairseach facilitates. She is a course presenter, as well as workshop, and retreat facilitator. Colette has been active in various Dominican collaborative initiatives in Ireland, Europe, Latin America, South Africa and the United States. For over 15 years, Colette taught PE and Religion in Secondary Schools in the North and South of Ireland. A keen musician and singer, she has also been a volunteer leader at the Dominican camp-Knockadoon Music and Liturgy course for nearly 20 years.
BOOKING ESSENTIAL Payments can be made online when registering, by direct deposit or credit card – telephone 0404 61833.
Event Category
COURSEEvent Location
An TairseachKilmantin Hill
Wicklow Town, Wicklow, A67YX26