Incarnating the Human: New Theological Horizons with Dr. Diarmuid O'Murchu M.Sc. (3 days)

Incarnating the Human: New Theological Horizons with Dr. Diarmuid O’Murchu M.Sc. (3 days)

Monday, 7 Apr 2025 – Wednesday, 9 Apr 2025

9:45am – 12:30pm

An Tairseach Organic Farm & Ecology Centre presents Incarnating the Human: New Theological Horizons with Dr. Diarmuid O’Murchu M.Sc. (3 days)

WHEN:    Wednesday 7th to Wednesday 9th April 2025 (3 days)

TIME:       9:45am to 12:30pm

PRICE:     €90 includes course content, teas/coffees & snacks.



“The presence of the wide evolving cosmos calls for a genuinely new paradigm, different from the anthropocentric concern with human sin in the context of feudal obligations. We need to turn the page on the satisfaction theory and allow it to take a well deserved rest.”
                                                                                                        Elizabeth Johnson.

Based on the scholarly study of our seven-million-year evolutionary story, this module explores the implications of naming and integrating our identity as Earthlings; along with the ensuing responsibilities that arise from this expanded understanding of our human identity.

  • Monday 7th April: Our Evolving Human Story, grounded in the sacredness of Creation.
  • Tuesday 8th April: Our Evolving Human Story, grounded in the sacredness of Creation continued.
  • Wednesday 9th April: New horizons for understanding our Christian faith arising from multidisciplinary research today.


Diarmuid O’Murchu, a member of the Sacred Heart Missionary Order, and a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin Ireland, is a social psychologist most of whose working life has been in social ministry, predominantly in London, UK. In that capacity he has worked as a couple’s counsellor, in bereavement work, AIDS-HIV counselling, and, in more recent times, with homeless people and refugees. As a workshop leader and group facilitator he has worked in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, The Philippines, Thailand, India, and in several African countries, facilitating programmes on Adult Faith Development. His best-known books include Quantum Theology (1996 – revised in 2004), Ancestral Grace (2008), Jesus in the Power of Poetry (2009), Christianity’s Dangerous Memory (2011), In the Beginning was the Spirit (2012), Incarnation: A New Evolutionary Threshold (2017), Beyond Original Sin: Recovering Humanity’s Creative Urge (2018), When the Disciple Comes of Age (2019).   He now lives in Dublin, Ireland.

His best-known books include Quantum Theology (1996 – revised in 2004), Ancestral Grace (2008), Jesus in the Power of Poetry (2009), Christianity’s Dangerous Memory (2011), In the Beginning was the Spirit (2012), Incarnation: A New Evolutionary Threshold (2017), Beyond Original Sin: Recovering Humanity’s Creative Urge (2018), When the Disciple Comes of Age (2019), Doing Theology in an Evolutionary Way (2019), Beyond the Pandemic: Spiritual and Ecological Challenges (2022).

BOOKING ESSENTIAL. Payments can be made online when registering, by direct deposit or credit card – telephone 0404 61833.

Optional extra: €20 per day for a delicious 2 course lunch prepared by a fully qualified chef using organic produce from An Tairseach’s farm and garden. Please order when booking.

Event Category


Event Location

An Tairseach
Kilmantin Hill
Wicklow Town, Wicklow, A67YX26

Event Fees

Attendance in Person
€ 90.00
Attendance in Person including lunch
€ 150.00

Total Seats


Remaining Seats