Sprituality of Flowers: Contemplating the Dandelion with Bríd Kennedy

Sprituality of Flowers: Contemplating the Dandelion with Bríd Kennedy

Tuesday, 15 Apr 2025

9:45am – 12:30pm

An Tairseach Organic Farm & Ecology Centre presents Spirituality of Flowers: Contemplating the Dandelion with Brid Kennedy

WHEN:            TUESDAY 15TH APRIL 2025

PRICE:              €30 includes course content, teas/coffee/snacks

TIME:               9:45am to 12:30pm



Opening our hearts to learn what the dandelion can teach us. Since ancient times, people across all cultures have had a huge attraction to flowers using them as a medium to express sentiments of goodwill, love, beauty and sadness, with each flower having different meanings individually and globally.  In her book, Spirituality of Flowers: What Flowers Do For Us, Bríd explores the Divine-human transformation that happens when we appreciate flowers. During the morning’s sessions participants will take time to consider and contemplate the common Dandelion in depth, pondering how such a flower can enrich our souls as it reminds us of who we are as humans and to care for Mother Earth. The well-being of our body is not possible without the well-being of our planet and that is why to protect the well-being of our body, we must protect our planet.


Bríd Kennedy has an MSc. in community health and a BA (Honours) in theology. Following a career spanning almost four decades leading professional programmes addressing poverty and responding to natural and human made disasters in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, she completed an MA in applied spirituality and a diploma in personal and business coaching. Her thesis Spirituality of Flowers: What flowers do for us has awakened her to the “beauty within” each person.

Event Category


Event Location

An Tairseach
Kilmantin Hill
Wicklow Town, Wicklow, A67YX26

Event Fees

Attendance in Person
€ 30.00
Attendance in Person including lunch
€ 50.00

Total Seats


Remaining Seats